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In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

We are a group of volunteers who refuse to sit idly by while bad policy predicated on bad data destroys the foundation of this great nation. We are entrepreneurs, small business owners and concerned citizens. We aren’t asking for money; we won’t sell your email address; we are not doing this for any financial gain. Our mission is to give a voice to hard working Americans and provide a common sense alternative to the narrative of most media outlets - those outlets who profit from misinformation, fear, and panic. Left unchecked, they will destroy the backbone of our country; entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the American worker. Please join us in the fight by subscribing to our newsletter.

“Bureaucrats restrict the natural trajectory of humanity”


News You May Have Missed

Fudging the Numbers: NYC Adds 3700 Presumed COVID-19 Cases to Death Toll

On April 14, 2020, New York added 3700 new deaths to the COVID-19 death count. Did 3700 deaths occur on April 14? No. New York decided to add “presumed” COVID-19 cases to its death toll. Read More

With or Without Quarantine, COVID-19 Follows Same Pattern

The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way. Read More

MUST WATCH! Unemployment Claims Reach Unprecedented Levels.

This animated graph shows weekly initial unemployment claims from 1967 through April 2020. The visual is STAGGERING! Read More

Unemployment Through Time

This animated graph shows weekly initial unemployment claims from 1967 through April 2020. By any measure, the United States, and the rest of the world by extension are heading for some very difficult times ahead. How do we flatten this curve?

Stop Treating Every State Like It's NYC

Click on the dot above to stop the animation and choose the slide you want to see.

Travel the U.S. and you will find tremendous diversity in lifestyle - different climates, different population densities, different modes of transportation. Why then are we treating every state, every region like it will be impacted by COVID-19 like it will be impacted exactly like NYC? IT MAKES NO SENSE!

Can You Trust The Numbers?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lied and statistics." Origin unknown; popularized by Mark Twain.

On April 14, 2020, New York added 3700 new deaths to the COVID-19 death count. Did 3700 deaths occur on April 14? No. But New York decided to add “presumed” COVID-19 cases to its death toll anyway. “These new presumed cases are mostly from ERs and hospitals, which means people weren’t getting tested even in those settings. Lots more were in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities,” NY Times reporter Kristen Danis said.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke

If you are troubled by our government's overreach and the trampling of our Constitutionally protected rights in response to the COVID-19 virus, we ask you to join us in the fight. Please enter your email address and click "subscribe." We will only contact you if/when events dictate it necessary. We will never share or sell you email address.

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